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Speakers announced for BIG Biodiversity Challenge and Awards 2024



The BIG Biodiversity Challenge and Awards 2024 has concluded its judging phase and is gearing up to unveil this year’s winners at a prestigious Awards ceremony scheduled for 25 September in London.

Since its inception in 2013, the Challenge has consistently spurred the industry to exceed expectations in enhancing biodiversity through its "Do One Thing" initiative. This year, the competition was particularly fierce with over 40 entries received across various categories, leading to some tough decisions for the judging panel.

Melissa Ralph, Making Space for Nature Manager at Cormac Solutions Ltd and Chair of the judging panel, expressed "It has been a pleasure to assess such a diverse array of projects this year! I eagerly anticipate the Awards Ceremony on September 25th, where we will delve into these inspiring initiatives and meet the teams behind them."

Adding to the excitement, Prof. (Dr) Anusha Shah, President of the Institution of Civil Engineers (2023-24) and Senior Director at Arcadis, alongside Dr Nick White, Principal Advisor, Natural England, will deliver keynote addresses at the ceremony sharing their insights on the future of biodiversity within the construction sector.

Prof. (Dr) Anusha Shah commented on her participation: "I am honored to deliver a keynote address at the BIG Biodiversity Challenge and Awards 2024 celebration by CIRIA. The evolution of these awards reflects the industry’s journey from enhancing biodiversity to embracing nature-positive solutions that offer multifaceted benefits. Integrating biodiversity into our planning and design processes is crucial, treating it as a valuable asset with diverse co-benefits for sustainable development."

The ceremony promises to be a landmark event, highlighting innovation and commitment towards biodiversity within the construction industry. 

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