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Managing PFAS risks in soil and water – a CIRIA conference

Join us for a virtual conference to discuss practical, sustainable measures to address the challenges posed by polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in soil and water.

PFAS have attracted a lot of attention in the media largely due to concerns about their adverse impact on human health. Our understanding of the toxicity, risk, and remediation approaches for the PFAS family of chemicals is rapidly evolving. With recent changes to the guidance on PFAS levels in drinking water by the Drinking Water Inspectorate, and increasing attention from regulators, construction professionals need to keep up to date with the subject.

This conference will explore some of the issues that construction professionals have encountered managing PFAS in soil and groundwater in the past 12 months. Leading experts will provide updates on the latest developments with:
  • sampling and analysis.
  • risk assessment methods including the recent interim Category 4 Screening Levels (C4SL) for PFAS.
  • remediation approaches.
Attendees will hear about the Environment Agency’s recent work in this field, and get an exclusive preview of the UK’s first guidance document on PFAS – Perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS) in soil and water environments – which CIRIA will publish this autumn.

Get involved in our PFAS Forum
CIRIA's PFAS Forum provides a platform for construction professionals to keep up to date with research, and understand good practice for the risk assessment and management of PFAS in soil and water. Contact Joanne Kwan to learn more.

Sponsorship opportunities
For information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Tam Simmons.

Why attend
  • Explore the latest developments in risk assessment and remediation of PFAS in soil and water.
  • Discuss how recent assessment criteria such as C4SL is helping practitioners to assess PFAS risks.
  • Discover how CIRIA’s PFAS Forum and our forthcoming new guidance Perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS) in soil and water environments can help practitioners manage PFAS contamination.
  • Earn valuable CPD.
Who should attend
  • Clients
  • Developers
  • Landowners (particularly firefighting grounds and landfill sites)
  • Contractors including remediation contractors
  • Consultants
  • Regulators
  • Local authorities
10:00 Welcome and introduction
10:15 Update on the Environment Agency's PFAS Risk Screening Project (2020–24)
Angela Haslam, Senior Advisor, Land and Contamination Management Team,
Environment Agency
Helen Pickering, Senior Advisor, PFAS Risk Screening Project Chemicals
Regulatory Development, Environment Agency
10:35 The new C4SL for PFAS explained
Simon Firth, Founder, Firth Consultants
10:55 PFAS analysis – current and future approaches
Jenny Davies, Technical Director, Element Materials Technology
11:15 Interactive discussion and Q&A
11:55 Coffee break
12:10 Remediation of sites with PFAS – what is possible
12:30 Overview of CIRIA’s forthcoming new guidance Perfluorinated alkylated
substances (PFAS) in soil and water environments

12:50 Update on CIRIA's PFAS activities
Joanne Kwan, Senior Research Manager, Sustainable Land Use, CIRIA
13:10 Interactive discussion and Q&A
13:25 Closing remarks

Tuesday 12 November 2024
10:00 – 13:30
Virtual conference


BRMF and LACL members Two free places per organisation*
£160 + VAT for each additional place**
CIRIA members £120 + VAT
Non-members £160 + VAT

* Please complete and return the booking form to Charlotte Draper to register.
** Please register online.

Please sign in or create an account to register online for this event.
If you are experiencing issues registering online, please complete and return the booking form to Charlotte Draper.
Alternatively please contact us on 07933 181 765 or email our Customer Services team.
Joining instructions will be sent two weeks before the event or one working day prior if the booking is made within this timeframe. The link to attend the webinar is strictly personal and should not be shared.

Notice for new bookings from EU/EEA customers only.
CIRIA is currently unable to directly process your transaction if you are purchasing from the EU/EEA region. If you wish to book onto this event please email your request to [email protected] and we will respond in the first instance.

Further information
For further information on CIRIA membership and other services, please contact:
Telephone: 07933 181 765
Email: [email protected]
11/12/2024 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
GMT Standard Time

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