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Soil microplastics: New study unveils impact and distribution

Microplastics, a significant environmental concern, are prevalent in various sources, with road traffic being a major contributor. In Germany alone, approximately one hundred thousand tonnes of microplastics are generated annually from tyre wear, astroturf, cosmetics, washing powders, clothing, disposable masks, plastic bags, and other waste. These microplastics find their way into the environment, raising questions about their behaviour and impact on different soils. This study, conducted by researchers at the University of Potsdam in collaboration with experts at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, introduces a novel method to address these questions. Utilising a unique instrument that employs neutrons and X-rays to perform 3D tomography on soil samples, the study provides a comprehensive analysis of microplastic distribution and its potential influence on soil structures.

Current analyses involves floating soil samples in a heavy salt solution, yet details about the specific accumulation and structural changes caused by microplastics remain elusive. The new technique combines neutron and X-ray tomography, providing simultaneous 3D imaging without altering the sample. This breakthrough allows scientists to quickly visualise both organic and synthetic particles (using neutrons) and mineral particles with their associated structures (using X-rays), shedding prompt light on the distribution and potential impacts of microplastics in different soil types.

CIRIA are currently seeking technical and financial support to create Good practice guidance for risk management of microplastics in soil. Find out more here.